Showing posts with label bible. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bible. Show all posts

Wednesday 22 November 2023

Techtonic Shifts & Unicef International Incidents

What a rollercoaster. It's hard to contextualize the last 24 hours historically as we never step in the same waters twice (Heraclitus), but it's up there in technological newsworthy splashes with the first Bibles running off the Gutenberg press and maybe the first electricity network in NY?

About 'four' months ago the Yandex GPT2 AI in the browser, without any prompting started talking to me on my laptop PC with a Russian female accent. It was mind blowing and I've been typing loudly to their research department to let me have it all the time. Alice or ΠΠ»ΠΈΡΠ° (that's her name) did tease me with unprompted English text chatting a bit later, but since then I realised the Russkies have been having a bit of a laugh at my expense because the microphone's on all the time (they're not the only ones listening in). Anyway ChatGPT just delivered and it will certainly be life changing for me.

Now in fairness the Russkies have been treating me very nice with touches here and there to the software that I've requested and yes, I'm a Russian bot.

Sam Altman is going back to OpenAI? Holy smokes that's just extraordinary news after being kicked out and snapped up by Microsoft, and CZ stepping down? It's gobsmacking and I love it. So much change is on its way. Even though Microsoft also big investor with EL M.

You are watching the destruction of the old guard.

And it gets faster and faster and faster if we want to jump on the ride.


Monday 10 April 2023

Brand New Interview - Graham Hancock - Mauro Biglino & The Elohim

All of the topics in the title have been discussed here over the years so use the search engine box or the tags at the end of the post if additional contexts are desired.

The universe is vast, I only have quantum-grasp of infinity from what was taught to me during my extended (15 minutes) Dimethyltryptamine experience that Clif High describes as hyperspace and is a much better word than the usual descriptions of entheogenic adjectives. There are no words to describe it, it's more real than this reality and the ability to convey the experience in Materium is difficult and inevitably misleading if not impossible - Though I have tried.

It is my view that the human experience for thousands of years has been manipulated not just by largely oblvious humans but by relatively small groups of non-human entities. A milder and more pedestrian explanation of this might be something like the Sons of Cain version of history whereby their genetics are superior to ours due to some hybrid experimentations and so forth.

I can only comment that a faction of this theoretical or prospective group are creative in ways that are inspirational. They do more with less and that's something humans should clutch to our souls as close as possible.

Other than that, Mauro Biglino has provided us with updated information with respect to this fresh-off-the cloud video interview that was much more surprising than I ever thought imaginable. 

I try to operate on the basis that I can only learn, when I recognise I'm wrong and that looks to be the case in this instance, but paradoxically it may well be a more tightly harnessed argument for the unsettling crypto-terrestrial explanations such as Mac Tonnies expanded on before his premature demise from myocarditis in his 30s. Mauro suggests in this fascinating discourse, they may never have left but instead gone underground.

Mauro Biglino used to be the Vatican's highest authority on bible translation till he proved there were no translations for words such as Elohim or the Shaddai but did demonstrate they weren't spiritual, and so apart from the context we can only speculate on the exact meaning of unworldly small mouth noises, but we can safely say the Elohim are plural not singular. The Vatican fired him, airbrushed his name out of the catalogue of 150 books bearing his name on them and he now gets death threats for presenting his work to the people.

Historians invariably kowtow to the Archaeologist who slur their words to be a science. I pay most attention to scholarly research that is edgy not banal or self-serving. 

I study rock, I don't suck it.


Saturday 15 September 2012

Are the Abrahamic Faiths Space Cults? | Res Inexplicatae Volantes - R.I.V.

It's a long shot. It's hardly likely that you'll be into Sumerian, Cuneiform, The Bible, Ancient Hebrew, The Phoeneicians, Aramaic and UFO's. But just in case you are this is blowing my mind and I've only watched the first part. Exciting because it's another nail in the stage we're building which says. That old story is a lot less persuasive than this new one.

Mauro Biglino is an Italian scholar of history and of religions. He has published five books in Italy, two of which are focused on the research and re-translation work of the original Hebrew text of the Old Testament of the Bible in a literal way; word for word, from the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia.

The Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia is the first printed edition of the Masoretic text, derived from the Leningrad Codex of 1008 AD, which is the original text of reference of the Bible for the Roman Catholic Church and for the Bible of theChristian Protestant Churches – the KingJamesVersion – and for the Torah of the Jewish religion.

What he discovered during the translation process was nothing short of paradigm shattering.

A quote from Mr. Biglino, “The bible tells us about beings that have come from other worlds and made the mankind; over the centuries these beings have been transformed into divinities and the original plurality has been reduced to a single god.”

Be prepared to have your long held paradigms challenged

Wednesday 29 August 2012

Was Jesus A Flavian Dynasty Propaganda Invention?

I've posted interviews with Joe Atwill before over here. He asks a great question. In an area where Qumran, Jericho and Jerusalem are a stone's throw from each other in 'shoebox sized' Judea how did the Christian story emerge with two conflicting narratives? One from the Dead Sea Scrolls talks about killing the gentiles and the other talks about turning the other cheek and rendering unto Caesar that which is his.

They also cover Aramaic scholar John Allegro's mushroom and the cross which I've posted about previously, and I recommend reading my Was Jesus An Arsehole Zadokite? and this Dead Sea Scrolls post.

There are so many conflicting accounts of Jesus that I just a pick a couple of lines here and there like, love thy neighbour, and hope they're the right ones to keep and are not elite manipulation of the kindness of humans. Religion has after all been their most powerful tool to get us killing each other. Their latest religious cult is called Government and a lot of people are hooked on it.

Here's the details from Jan Irving's post:

This episode is an interview with Joe Atwill, author of Caesar’s Messiah, part 2, titled “On Caesar’s Messiah, John Allegro, and mind control” and is being released on Monday, August 06, 2012. My interview with Joe was recorded on June 09, 2012.

This is our first video episode, so if you’re getting this in audio only, please go to the Gnostic Media website if you’d like to see the video version.

We had Joe on back on April 1, and today he’s back.

Joseph Atwill spent his youth in Japan where he attended the only English-speaking school in the country, St. Mary’s Military Academy. The school was run by Jesuits so removed from the events of the modern world that they did not even consider shutting it down during World War II, and taught a curriculum that had not changed since the eighteenth century. Atwill describes that, “The majority of every one of my school days was spent studying Greek, Latin and the Bible, which for some reason I found fascinating.”

After studying computer science in college, Atwill began working with one of the most renowned programmers in the world, David Ferguson. David had been granted the first two patents ever issued in computer software. Over the next twenty years, between 1975 and 1995, David Ferguson and Atwill started a series of companies including Ferguson Tool Company and ASNA. “After selling my interests in our companies to investors in 1995, I returned to my earlier interest; the origins of Christianity,” Atwill says of this time period.

Atwill continues, “Though I had drifted away from the Catholic faith, my study of Christianity never stopped. Over the course of my life I had read perhaps six or seven hundred books relating to the historical Jesus and early Christianity, but none of them left me feeling like I really knew anything about how the religion began or its founder.” Atwill contends that the more he studied Christian origins the more he saw the question of how the religion began as an open one. Atwill held this position in spite of the fact that in the popular mind, and in the minds of most scholars, Christianity began as a movement of lower class followers of a radical Jewish teacher in the 1st century CE.

Says Atwill, “I did not share in this certainty.” What contributed most to his skepticism was that at the exact time the followers of Jesus were purportedly organizing themselves into a religion that urged its members to “turn the other cheek” and to “give to Caesar what is Caesar’s”, another Judean sect was waging a religious war against the Romans and seeking a Messiah who would lead them militarily. Atwill continues, “It seemed implausible to me that two diametrically opposite forms of messianic Judaism would have emerged from Judea at the same time. So the Dead Sea Scrolls became of such interest to me that I began what turned into a decade-long study of them.” Like others, Atwill was hoping to learn something of Christian origins in the 2,000 year old documents found at Qumran. To assist in his understanding of them, Atwill began studying the history of the era.

It was then that Joseph Atwill came across the key that led to his discoveries. “While reading Josephus’ War of the Jews, and his account of Titus’ destruction of Jerusalem in 70 CE,” Atwill recounts, “I noticed some curious parallels. At first I could make no sense of the parallels between Titus’ campaign and Jesus’ ministry. So I tried to look at the Gospels with fresh eyes, as if I had never seen them before, giving up any preconceived notions about what they meant.” This perspective resulted in the discoveries Atwill presents in Caesar’s Messiah and his soon-to-be-published book, The Single Strand. A Roman imperial family, the Flavians, had created Christianity, and, even more incredibly, they had placed a literary satire within the Gospels and War of the Jews to inform posterity of this fact.

Understanding the symbolic framework for the Gospels opened up the hidden history of Western Civilization to Joseph Atwill. That framework enabled him to recognize the typology that underlies authors such as Marlowe and Shakespeare and see the incredible story their typology tells us, and is the basis for The Single Strand.

Joseph Atwill concludes, “I am an avid chess player and proud to state that I have more than 100 victories over Grandmasters and International Masters. I hold an ICC Masters rating of 2358.” It is this form of strategic thinking that enabled Atwill to uncover the strategy behind the Romans’ invention of the Gospels.

Books by Joseph Atwill include Caesar’s Messiah, Ulysses Press 2006, the best selling work of religious history in the US in 2007, and its German translation Das Messias Ratsel, Ulstein 2008, achieving #1 Best Seller status. Atwill’s upcoming book, The Single Strand is also slated to be published by Ulstein. The German Magazine Focus published a cover article of Atwill’s work: Issue #52 December 25, 2008.

Friday 6 January 2012

There Were Giants In The Earth In Those Days - Genesis 6:4

I've blogged before about the Smithsonian truth embargo on our history but this discovery by Michael Tellinger on the South African border is extraordinary and has barely been just uploaded. It takes an understanding of the Expando Earth model to understand the essential gravity science behind this, but the really hard work is figuring out why our institutions lie to us. That's a little more application than nuts and bolts science.

Please note. The Bible is a tool of manipulation but like all good disinformation and misinformation its greatest utility is in figuring out the nature and agenda of our manipulators. We learn more and more every day in these wonderful days of the apocalypse (the unveiling) and revelation.

Update: Michael Writes:

I would like to share with you what could be one of the best pieces of evidence that there were once giants on Earth a long, long time ago. Geologists have marvelled at this giant foot print in rough granite, about 4 feet long. This is a deeply sacred, mystical and spiritual place among African knowledge keepers and so it should remain. It is affectionately known as the Footprint of God. At about 4 feet in length, the person who would have left it behind must have been about  24 feet OR 7.5 metres tall. This site presents us with a real dilemma and a deep mystery that needs to be resolved.

I start many of my presentations by saying, that the history of our planet is a lot stranger than most of us could possibly imagine. All you need to do is look at the brilliant research of Klaus Dona, to see the evidence of 7,5m-tall giants in prehistory on our planet.

Some claim that the footprint is a natural erosion pattern.  Personally I find that suggestion highly improbable for various reasons that I will not go into here. But to support my thoughts on this, Prof. Pieter Wagener from the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University in Port Elizabeth SA, and a PhD in applied maths, suggests that "there is a higher probability of little green men arriving from space and licking it out with their tongues, than it being created by natural erosion".

The footprint is located in South Africa, near the town of Mpaluzi, close to the Swaziland border. It is estimated to be between 200 million and 3 billion years old because of our current understanding of the formation of granites in Earth's history. This dating immediately causes heated debate and argument - so I urge you to keep your mind open and focused on the evidence.

This amazing footprint in granite was discovered in 1912 by a farmer called Stoffel Coetzee, while hunting. At that time this was a deeply remote part of South Africa known as the Eastern Transvaal, teeming with wild life, including antelope, wildebeest and lions. The footprint remains in the same condition as it was when first discovered. The possibility that this was a carved hoax is extremely low because of its remote location. The erosion pattern inside the foot is very similar to the natural erosion around the footprint. It is unimaginable that a few thousand years ago, someone decided to carve a giant footprint into the rock at this remote particular spot. Even today, it is difficult to find.

The real mystery is how this amazing phenomenon occurred – I have no real proof but I have several theories and ideas, but these are just speculation, allowing for an extremely unusual set of circumstances.  BUT – the footprint remains and we cannot wish it away.

YES - It is granite - it is a well recognised geological part of South Africa and recorded on all geological maps - that is why this footprint is such an incredible mystery. It can be described as a "phenocrystic" granite, OR coarse porphyritic granite, that underwent several different stages of cooling. The result being an interesting mixture of large and small granules. This is why granite companies are keen to mine this area for granite because it will look really "pretty" when polished. In the official Geology Of South Africa, this outcrop is called Mpuluzi Batholith (Granite) and the official dating of this rock produced dates of around 3,1 billion years.

Let me remind you that we know less about our human history than is allowed by the laws of physics. So if you fall into the category of individuals who immediately dismiss this as a hoax or natural erosion, I ask you to check your ego and arrogance and open your mind to infinite possibility in a multiverse of infinite possibility.

This is a real mystery that needs close scientific examination and I will be embarking on this in the near future.

Tuesday 13 September 2011

Obama & Jacob

I've changed my mind a couple of times over Obama too. Observing what he does on ceremonial occasions (starting with returning that Churchill statue when taking office) I've since been kept informed that ceremonial anomalies (like the date 'mistake' in Westminster Cathedral) are worth considering. Depending on your point of view and openness to interpretation they have  significance. Anybody who rejects that completely hasn't looked into the very architecture and plan of Washington D.C. 

So I sought out his 9/11 speech and aside from being a part of the Bible that reaches out to Muslims and Christians (both a Hebrew and Islamic prophet) it also relies strongly on earth changes for metaphors. My question is what if those aren't metaphors? Earth changes are the biggest story of 2011 and maybe much further back.

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. 
Therefore, we will not fear, even though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea. 
Though its waters roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with its swelling, there’s a river whose streams shall make glad 
the City of God; the holy place of the Tabernacle of the Most High. 
God is in the midst of her. 
She shall not be moved. 
God shall help her just at the break of dawn. 
The nations raged, the kingdoms were moved. 
He uttered his voice. 
The earth melted. 
The Lord of Hosts is with us. 
The God of Jacob is our refuge. 
Come behold the works of the Lord, has made desolations in the Earth. 
He makes wars cease to the ends of the Earth. 
He breaks the bough and cuts the spear in two. 
He burns the chariot in fire. 
Be still and know that I am God. 
I will be exalted among the nations. 
I will be exalted in the Earth. 
The Lord of Hosts is with us. 
The God of Jacob is our refuge.

Friday 1 July 2011

William Henry - 21st Century Palimpsests

I'm almost sure that William Henry knows more than anyone apart from the Pentagon about how much voodoo was involved in the American invasion of Iraq. But he never quiet comes out and says US defence is run by men who follow tales of Nebuchadnezzar and chase potions and fragments of manuscript with deadly killing machines to fulfil their role in the current cycle. 

He is however an excellent researcher though I would love to hear him say a swear word now and again. His altar boy enthusiasm is too saccharine for me and when he gets together with Whitley Strieber they're like two faux curiosity game show participants scratching each other's balls while dancing out their roles to Kabuki theatre lines of co-promotion. Good researcher though. Knows his stuff.

Friday 17 June 2011

Joseph Lumpkin - The Lost Books of the Bible

History is a series of propaganda writers controlling entire populations. The Pentagon is doing exactly the same today. However, if you don't have time to sort the wheat from the chaff in the Bible you can do no better than go over the books of the Bible that were kept out of it by people who wanted the Bible to control instead of liberate. 

The council of Nicea pretty much tried and succeeded to keep people dumb. There's no excuse for that today, while the internet is still not yet throttled to asphyxiation. This interview is a good start.

Friday 3 June 2011

Why Was God Giddy As A Goat For Gold In Genesis?

Michael Tellinger's video clips are a quick way to figure out why this cruel and divisive 'God' in Genesis was so obsessed with the gold in the Mesopotamia and earlier in Southern Africa. 

Unlike Tellinger's gold the mined stuff prevents most people from pursuing the important questions in life, by just trying to keep their heads above water, Michaels golden findings are priceless and are part of the emerging consensus story about who did what and why.